Easy Web Cam is a web camera video recording and streaming tool. It allows you to record the feed of your web camera into a local video file or upload it using a variety of methods. For an application that has "easy" in its name, I have to say that this one isn't as intuitive as I expected it to be. It is very robust and it abounds with features, but the application itself wasn't made with ease of use in mind.
Regarding its features, Easy Web Cam has got most of the features that you could expect from a serious web cam recording suite. It can detect motion in your web camera, it can send you e-mail notifications when motion is detected and start recording video automatically or it can take JPEG snapshots of the movement. It also has a stealth mode, so that nobody knows that the application is running. The more advanced features include uploading to FTP servers and to a dedicated website where anyone can connect to the video stream. You might have to do some port-forwarding, if your router isn't smart enough, though.
I mentioned that this isn't an intuitive app. I believe the problem is with the user interface. It is so full of information and tabs and configurations that you simply don't know where to go. There are at least 15 different tabs where you can configure things and little help. The window is also so small, which doesn't really help.
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